Jan 6, 2013

Frustration, confusion, helplessness...what to do?

There should be a post prior to this one BUT....Right now I am one very frustrated lady! I am having problems updating my previous post which is still saved in draft form. I have been trying for the last 3 days to upload photos to my blog post and it won't let me choose Browse to select the photos I want from my laptop. What is different? Why can't I upload my photos? I haven't had this problem before so I am stuck. If anyone reads this and can shed light or offer suggestions I would be most grateful.

On top of that my camera has "gone funny" again. It does this every now and then for no reason. I go to take a photo and it freezes. I can't  focus and the lens is stuck in place. I am useless on Manual - my focussing is rubbish. It looks in focus to me when I take the photo but when I look at it on the computer it is nine times out of ten blurred. Do I hear cries of.... "You need another class?". Yes, I do, I know that ...one day.....

This is so frustrating - I have the digital Project Life class that I won a place on starting tomorrow. Yes, I entered my name on Becky's blog to win a place on the digital PL class starting on Monday 7th January - never expecting to be selected, but you have to be in it to win it.....so I entered. Blow me down my DS phoned from England on Friday night and said "Did you enter a competition on Becky Higgins's blog because if you did I think you're a winner!" I couldn't believe it - quick swop to Skype to find out more from Rhona and at the same time go on to Becky's blog on my laptop and there it was at the top of the prize winners' names - Norma Nell, Umhlanga, KwaZuluNatal, South Africa THAT"S ME!!!!!! I was so excited, ME a winner? Yay! I never win anything............well,  not any more! We laughed and chatted some more - big smiles and squeals of delight - Too much of excitement!!!! (South Africans will understand this!)

Rhona urged me to reply straight away - there was a message for the 3 winners to contact Kari from Becky Higgins.com. I didn't need to be told twice so the e-mail was duly sent. Now to await a reply. First check on Saturday and there was nothing new but then, there is a considerable time difference between South Africa and America. Second check a little on later on and there it was in my Inbox - a very nice e-mail congratulating me and requesting that I advise them of which edition I want to use - in addition to winning a place in the class,we also get a full digital PL kit from AC Digitals - WooHoo!!! Roll on Monday, I can't wait to get started.
There is 1 week of holidays left before school reopens for the start of the new school year. Teachers go back on Monday 14th Jan and the children start on Wednesday 16th. The first day back is always taken up with meetings. Normally we have our management meeting the Friday before school opens but this year we are having it first thing on Monday morning. This will be followed by a Combined Staff Meeting. Our school is split into 2 campuses. The Foundation Phase, where I am, goes from  Grade R ( Reception Class) up to Grade 3 (Year 3) and the next Phase from Grade 4 to Grade 7 is on a separate campus just down the road from us. At the start of every new school year we have a comnined staff meeting with the teachers from both campuses getting together on the Senior Primary Campus. When that's over it's back to our school campus for our own meeting, then it is Grade meetings. We have 3 Reception classes and 5 classes in each grade. Each class has 28/29 children in it. We are the biggest school in our area. So, as you can see, most of the first day is taken up with meetings. The next day is to get the classroom ready for the new arrivals and do whatever still needs to be done in preparation for the First Day.

I love that anticipation of meeting my new class and the fresh start that the new year brings. I love the eager anticipation on the faces of the little ones. No matter how long you have been teaching, if teaching is your passion, you will experience that thrill every year.

OK - back to where I started with the one week left bit.... that means that I will have time to get stuck in to the class and hopefully get to grips and learn lots. I have got Photshop Elements 10 but I really need help on using it effectively. I can do some of the basic things but need lots of advice and tips on how to make the most of PSE. Completing Project Life will be a challenge  but I am up for it. Watch this space.......................    :)

Now let me keep trying to see if I can reslove my problems. Have a restful Sunday.


  1. Give me a call if you go online so we can talk this through and see if we can come up with anything.xx

  2. Well done on the win....I often forget to go back and check competitions I've entered!!
    Blogger can sometimes be temperamental....usually only lasts a short time.

    1. Thanks Jacky - I had actually forgotten about it too, if Rhona hadn't phoned me I'd probably still be none the wiser!

      As for this uploading photo issue, it's been over a week now. I have seen that other people have also experienced the same problem. I just wish it could be fixed now.
