I am starting off showing my week as per Project Life but then I am going to do individual photos.
Where did the week go to? That seems to be a common refrain because the other teachers at school are all saying the same thing. I thought this week would be quieter after the "busy-ness" of last week - not a chance! This week consisted of three meetings with parents, our weekly grade meeting, a swimming gala, a higher order thinking workshop for the whole of Friday afternoon followed by a family braai back at school. Chez fetched me from the Workshop, we drove home then I took the car and headed straight back to school. On top of that I went back to school on Saturday afternoon to mark books.
It was not all work though, because on Thursday I met up with my friend, Lynne. She started off as a parent at our school. I taught her daughter, Amy (who is the same age as Caelen) when she was in Grade 1. Then we parted ways when the children moved on. Years later Lynne got the job as secretary at our school and the friendship grew from there. We have had many fun "gatherings" over the years - not as many as we would like but great when they do happen! Chez and I housesat for her and Charles several years ago when they went overseas. After Lynne left Chelsea we continue to meet from time to time. Lynne is a lovely lady and we really enjoy our chats when we do get together. Thank you Lynne for treating me to my first experience of the Beverley Hills. It was fabulous - a memory to treasure. The setting was beautiful. You just feel important sitting there. For us it is a special treat, for others it is a way of life. We started off with scones and cappucino (delicioous) and ended up with a cocktail - Lynne had a Cosmopolitan and I had a Strawberry Diaquiri - I think I got the better deal!!!
The road leading to The Beverley Hills goes past our old flat.
The beautiful bar area downstairs where we had our cocktails
Lynne perusing the cocktail menu and getting some assistance from the friendly barman
Then today Di came and fetched me at 09:00 am to go to The Wonder Market. This is a market held once a month in an open park area near Gateway (our huge shopping centre). I had mentioned once before that I had never been to the market so she said next time it was on we would go together. We have been to the I Heart market at Moses Mabida (Emma, you remember that?) and I really liked the stuff they had on sale. This one was very similar to that. The goods are high quality and made by local crafts people. There is some lovely stuff on sale - you have to be quite careful or you could get carried away!
This is what you see as you walk in - then you have to decide what route you are going to take. This was still early so it was fairly quiet - it was a lot more crowded later on....
I particularly liked this sign - I think we need one of these for school!!!!

Look who we met there - it's Jude and Bevan. Jude teaches with us at Chelsea.
Always on the look out for a good bargain.
Such a pretty setting
Entertainment for the kiddies - he had these two little girls enthralled.
Pink Flamingo - drinks for the grown ups. We just loved the look of this stand.
The ingredients looking very tempting...
Mixing up a batch of Pimms - so pretty!
2 Pimms coming up .............
2 happy ladies having some R&R after shopping!