I am just slipping this post in- I found it unpublished in the drafts sections and thought it was a shame to waste it so here it is way out of chronological order.
I am writing this post at 3:51am but have been up since 2:00am!
Question :Why? Are you crazy?
Answer: Choose one of the following
a - too busy
b - too tired
c - too hot
d - all of the above
My answer: d
The start of the school year is always really busy, especially for a Grade 1 teacher as there always seems to be so much more to do. In addition to that, we had a very short summer break 3 weeks compared to 5 and this is our hottest time of the year. Durban is not a nice place to be in January/February not just because of the heat - that you can cope with, it's the humidity that saps your energy and you feel you can't keep your eyes open. That is the killer and it seems to be getting worse! Must be thanks to global warming because it is definitely hotter at this time than in previous years. This week we had a temperature of 29degrees C on Tuesday when the children all started, then yesterday it was 33degrees and today is meant to be 34! Not all classrooms have airconditioning, luckily I do because I am in an old prefab but only 3 of the normal classrooms have aircon and the rest don't. Not ideal conditions for learning. February is the worst then it usually starts getting better in March and April/May are the best. OK- enough about the weather....
Sunday started out with the most beautiful sunrise. You will have to bear with me regarding my photos as I am still getting to grips with editing and posting. Hopefully this picture taken from outside my bedroom will give you an inkling of what it looked like.
Sunday turned out to be magnificent. The sea was amazing. There was a bit of a breeze which made it more comfortable. I think there must have been a regatta on because we saw lots of yachts out, far more than we normally see.
I liked this one because there you see old Rustbucket on the right with the yacht looking very tiny and the background ship even bigger than Rustbucket.
You can see how far over the yachts are leaning - there were not too many white horses at this stage but it did pick up and there were a lot more. The red top of the lighthouse is just visible above the roof at the bottom. The roof belongs to The Oyster Box hotel - a very smart well known hotel. Lots of visiting celebrities often stay either there or at The Beverley Hills hotel next door.
Another contrast - a rubber duck next trailing behind the yacht. A lot of fishing boats launch from Umhlanga Beach. There is the Umhlanga Ski Boat Club which use Grannies Pool as a launch area. The yachts come from the harbour area from Point Yacht Club or The Royal Marine Yacht club.