Well, here I am again with my next post. Yesterday I said how pretty the ships look at night so I tried taking a photo to show you what I mean. It's not great but it will give you an idea. Our complex looks directly out to sea between two blocks of flats. We can also see the sea on either side of said flats.
The bright lights belong to The Rustbucket. I actually feel quite connected to this ship - it's been there for so long I'll miss it when it goes. The next photo is of the swimming pool. All I have to do is walk out our garden gate, descend a few stairs and enter the pool. In summer the water actually gets too warm. It's like taking a warm bath - not very refreshing when all you want to do is cool off. Thinking about it now, I haven'y had my daily swim yet but there is a hectic storm with thunder andd lightening so I think I'll postpone it till the storm clears. Today has been cloudy with rain. The rain is much needed but it is still humid so not too much relief there!

The pool in our complex where I go to cool off. The best part is that we don't have to look after it. There is a caretaker who sees to all that. Our complex is called Paula's Place and there are 9 units on the top level and four at the bottom. We live in a triplex with 2 bedrooms sand bathrooms on the 3rd floor, a lounge, dining room and kitchen in the middle and a bedroom, bathroom and entrance to the garage on the bottom level. We have a small garden in front and a veranda leading off the lounge where we often eat our meals or sit and chill just looking at the view. My best is having a glass of wine at the end of the day, chatting with Chez about the day. Life is tough in Africa!!!
This morning I went in to school to continue getting my classroom organised ready for the start of the new year. I had a stint of admin duty for 3 terms last year which was much needed. 18 years on a trot teaching Grade 1's with no break plus being head of department can leave you feeling a bit shell-shocked after a while. Now I am looking forward to meeting my new class and opening up a whole new world of learning, fun and opportunity for these special little people. I am the kind of person who is always looking for ways to improve my teaching and find new ideas that are exciting and fun. Here are some photos of the school where I teach. I strted there in 1986 and had a year's break in 1989 when I had my youngest son, Caelen, now 22! The second year's break was in 1982 when we lived in the UK for almost a year. Since then I have worked at Northway Junior Primary, now Chelsea Preparatory ( we amalgamated with the Senior Primary School down the road) as a grade 1 teacher and Head of Department. I am so lucky to teach at such an awesome school.

Looking at the entrance from the entry gate.
The field where the children play at break looking towards the play area and Grade R classrooms.
A section of the teachers'staff room.
The pirate ship named Imbizo which means meeting place in Zulu.The children love playing here.
The front veranda - the boys toilts are to the left of the car and the girls to the right,
I did a detour on the way home to pick up some things I needed for my classroom only to find myself caught in a traffic jam. I ended up changing my route and going the long way home to avoid the chaos.It was much less stressful. This may not be what some people consider a traffic jam but it gets worse further on up the road as you approach the traffic circle.
Look! No cars. My alternative route home.
I'm home! This is the entrance to our complex - Paula's Place, 24 Chartwell Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
Tomorrow I'll post some pics of what I was doing at school today. I have a management meeting in the afternoon but still need to do some stuff in my classroom.Teachers start school (officially) on Monday and the children come back on Tuesday. How time flies!